I want to add that my brother is in excellent physical condition, eats very sensibly, and runs between 7 and 11 miles every day. He has just had a complete physical and during that visit, his doctor told him that he was in such good condition that he did not need a stress test. He was planning to enter a half-marathon in the next few weeks, and wanted to be completely checked out prior to running. It looks as though he'll need to put that off for a little while. Although one of the attending physicians did say that he should be able to begin running again in the next month or two. (!!!!!) I think he needs to get a really good pair of running shoes for his guardian angel before he does anything like this.
I didn't take many photos while I was there. Our time was spent at either my niece's house or the hospital, but I did see a couple of things that caught my eye while while I was there. My mother and I flew to a location about a hundred miles from my niece's. Sometimes airlines don't offer good flight times (or rates!) for smaller cities. We rented a car and drove the rest of the way.
Along the way I spotted this vintage gas station sign that had a couple of gas pumps by it. I wonder how much gas cost on the day these pumps were last used...
And then just past the pumps there was a Navy jet mounted on a pedestal. I didn't look at the plaque, but I wish I had. (We were in a hurry to get to the hospital.) At first I thought that object under the wing was artillery of some sort, but learned that it's a fuel pod.
Till next time...
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